Roelina Akke Johnson-van der Mei
27 November 1937

05 Maart 2022
Datum van uitvaart 12 Maart 2022
Uitvaart informatie De afscheidsdienst zal plaatsvinden op zaterdag 12 maart om 10.30 uur in de Mauritiuskerk, Eegracht 47 in IJlst. Er is gelegenheid tot condoleren voorafgaand aan de dienst vanaf 9.45 uur.
Livestream informatie De livestream zal beginnen om 10.30 uur
Mom, We will always love you and miss you! And honor your memory by trying to live by your example. Until we meet again in heaven, may you rest in peace! Love, Amanda, Harry & Gil.
Roelie was a dear family friend who I feel so very fortunate to have known. The times I spent with her were much too few and far between, but she was always such a whirlwind of energy and kindness. Roelie’s spirit, humor, and strength will forever be an inspiration to me. Thank you Roelie for everything; you will be greatly missed but never forgotten.
I’m crushed. I cannot accept this. Roelie is so special to me and will continue to be so. She will always be a one-of-a-kind person in my life. I’m so saddened that she could not have continued to make our lives more joyful with her presence. Heartfelt thanks to this younger-than-her-years vibrant woman for being a friend and part of my life all these decades.
Sent in loving memory of my precious cousin, Roelie, and condolences to Tony, Harry and Aline.